Hokkaido limited

Engaru Town

Bring back your childhood smile! Beloved sweets shop <Gateau Roba>

This is a sweets shop that has been around in Engaru Town for a long time.
All sweets are really delicious!
<Mori no Chepel>is a sweet that has been around since I was little, and I buy it almost every time I go home.
Baumkuchen has cream inside, and there are two types: vanilla and chocolate.
I also like the retro packaging.

<Hana no Cosmos>is a chocolate sandwiched between fragrant cookies containing sesame seeds, and the pink chocolate is inspired by the famous cosmos fields in Engaru.

<Mori no Kamui>Marble cookies, and although I didn’t post them this time, <Haskap no Mai>A baked confectionery that is a round galette cookie with a moderately sour haskap jam inside. Highly recommended!

In addition to baked goods, we also have cakes, so please stop by if you’re in the area!

Gateau Roba  http://www13.plala.or.jp/gatoroba/index.html

Very popular with lots of ingredients! sold at Hakuyosha<A source of rice that makes cutting corners possible>

A company in Shirataki, Engaru Town is selling “A source of rice that makes cutting corners possible“.
This is a canned food that I really recommend!
Best of all, the ingredients inside are big and plentiful!
When my parents sent it to me for the first time, I thought,
“Wow! The ingredients are this big! Delicious!” I was amazed.

This time, I bought a size of 2 cups of rice, but there are some sizes of 4 cups of rice as well.
You can mix it together when cooking, or mix it into the cooked rice, either way is fine!

At first, I used to add it to the rice when I cooked it to make takikomi rice, but recently I’ve found that mixing it with the cooked rice makes the rice more solid, so I’ve been eating it that way. 😄

There are also scallops, hijiki, beef rice, etc.

The directly-managed store is located near JR Shirataki Station, along Route 333, about 2-30 minutes from Engaru.
If you come to Engaru via expressway, you can also find them at Michi-no-Eki or CITY Engaru off the expressway (please note that they may no longer be carried at supermarkets or may be out of stock).

It is recommended as a souvenir of Engaru, and we hope everyone will try it at least once!

They sometimes exhibit at events in Sapporo, Asahikawa, and Honshu, but if you are too far away to buy, they also have an online store!
In addition to the canned goods we recommended, they also have ham, sausage, sausage, and more, so be sure to take a peek!

Hakuyosha  https://shm-hakuyosha.co.jp/index.html